Automated Planning Report
Service for Irish Councils
Using, it is now possible for your Council to generate complete GIS planning reports in under 10 seconds. Councils can deploy this service for planners and members of the public to speed up and simplify their pre-planning and planning decision processes.
Carlow County Council was the first local authority to go live with, launching in tandem with their 2022 County Development Plan. Galway County Council followed soon after.
Multiple Benefits for Local Authorities:
Time Saver for Planners
Council planners can generate a full report for any planning file with 50 lookup GIS layers in under 10 seconds! Try it out now on the Carlow Pre-Planning website.
AA Screening
Council planners receive a pre-populated AA Screening report for each planning file, with a 15km area of interest using SPA and SAC boundaries.
Public Participation
Members of the public can create their own unique reports as part of your Council's pre-planning consultation process. Reports are free and easy to create. Create a Carlow report.
Your Branding
Your Council's service will be delivered using your styles, logos, terms, disclaimers and other branding identities. View the Carlow case study.
Secure Staff Area
Council planners can login to view additional report lookup layers that might not be made available to the public (e.g. draft development plan zonings, draft landscape characterization).
Print-Friendly Reports
Each report can be printed with your branding included. You can also export reports to PDF for sharing and inclusion on your ePlanning service documents. Print a sample Carlow report.
3D Viewshed Analysis
Planners gain access to 3D line-of-sight analysis for each planning file. The 3D map viewer provides viewshed analysis for all locations within 10km of the development boundary at 10m height intervals. Useful for wind farm applications.
Cloud-Hosted Service
Delivered by an IT services provider with 20-years Irish local government IT/GIS experience. The service requires very little Council resources after go-live. 3rd-party data (e.g. NPWS) is updated automatically by the service provider.

Choose the report information
that you want for your Council
Each planning department has access to different GIS resources. Your custom-built pre-planning report service is designed to use the GIS layer information that is specific to your Council. Here is a sample of the GIS data that is readily available for your Council:
Planning History
- Planning Applications
- Enforcements
- Commencements
Development Plan
- Zoning Designations
- LAP Boundary Names
Building & Conservation
- National Monuments
- Vacant & Derelict
- Aquifers
- Bedrock
- Vulnerability
Infrastructure & Waterways
- Motorways
- Road Schedule
- Rivers & Streams
- Ral Lines
- Landscape Characterization
- Scenic Views
- Public Right of Way
National Parks & Wildlife Designations
Your Data
You can also include additional GIS data that is specific to your Council (e.g. flooding layers).
Request an online demo via Teams/Zoom
for your local authority.
Councils can request a live demo as part of a Teams or Zoom meeting. This is a perfect forum for planners and GIS staff to learn how to set up your service.
Or call us on (01) 2544363.